Friday, August 15, 2008

Be still and know that I am God. Psalm 46:10

Welcome to A Quiet Stop on the Journey. I am glad you’re here. My prayer is that this blog can be a place where we can come to slow down, exhale and draw near to God together.

We need quiet stops along this every day Christian journey. I know I do. I’m constantly doing several things at once and there is always some kind of noise overriding it all even if it is just the noise from my own thinking as I try to keep all the plates in my life spinning. I long for stillness and quiet, yet they are far too rare for me. I suspect you feel the same way, at least some of the time.

I hear our Father’s loving heart in his call to us to "Be still and know that I am God." and I long to answer by quieting my heart and stilling my mind from their relentless pace. I need this. I need to just be still and know God. It’s the deep desire of my heart and yet the tyranny of the urgent often rules my day and crowds out the very stillness and quiet with God that I long for most.

As with Elijah when he was running from Jezebel[1], it is in the stillness that we are most likely to hear God’s gentle whisper. The winds, earthquakes, and fires of our lives threaten to send our carefully orchestrated spinning plates crashing to the ground so they are much more likely to command our attention. It is difficult to make time for stillness and quiet in the face of all the demands on us. Our loving Father knows this for he has called us to this time and place. Yet just as he calls us to this place that encourages and even honors busyness, he also calls us to a place of stillness so we can know him as God. What an invitation this is! We are invited to turn our spinning plates over to him and step into the stillness for which we long. In this stillness, we are invited to know our awesome Father, the one who keeps the entire universe spinning perfectly.

I commit here and now to slowing down the pace of my life and spending more time “being” with God and not so much time “doing.” I can only do this through the grace of God and in his strength. I know this is his desire even more than it is mine and I cannot wait to see what he has in store for us!

Will you join me here on this journey? Perhaps you are struggling with busyness too or maybe you have made great strides in slowing down and being still before God and can offer suggestions and encouragement to others. Either way, I hope you will come along with me and share your comments as we journey together as children of our loving God.

[1] 1 Kings 19

1 comment:

Sally said...

Hi, Pam. I enjoyed reading your first post and look forward to hearing more in the future.
