Sunday, August 24, 2008

You do not have because you do not ask God. James 4:2b

All I wanted was a Diet Coke. It had already been a long work day and the remaining hours stretched out ahead of me like an exhausting desert walk. I was parched, body and soul. If I could just get a cold drink with a little caffeine to refresh me, I was sure I would perk up enough to make it to the end of that long, dry day.

As I approached the red vending machine, I could hear the machine humming and knew the drinks inside were wonderfully cold. I could almost taste the refreshing liquid going down my throat as I inserted my dollar into the slot. It was pulled in and then spit right back out. In that instant, that red vending machine became my adversary. I tried again. Pulled in…spit out. I damped the edges of the dollar and inserted it. Same result. I tried again and again using every trick I knew. First I inserted one end, then the other. I inserted it with Washington’s face up, then with it down. I tried at least seven or eight times. Nothing doing. The machine didn’t show the slightest inclination of taking that dollar bill.

Finally, after trying everything I knew, I felt my shoulders slump as I stood in front of the victorious, red machine. I let out a deep sigh and I prayed, “God, I am so tired. All I want is a Diet Coke.” Knowing God answers prayers, I tried the dollar one more time. You guessed it. The dollar was pulled in and stayed in. After pushing the button for the Diet Coke, I heard the much anticipated sound of the can cascading to the bottom of the shoot and crashing in the tray where I could retrieve it. At last, I had the refreshment I needed.

It was not in the much desired Diet Coke that I found my refreshment, though. No cold beverage could refresh and revive me like the evidence of the presence and provision of our Father. He withheld what I wanted until I came to the end of my own efforts and asked for it. He then graciously gave me exactly what I wanted and what he knew I needed. I wanted the Diet Coke. I needed to be drawn to my Father in an experience of his love and grace.

James 4:2b says that we don’t have because we don’t ask God. This is not a power play on the part of a tyrant, but a loving withholding for the purpose of the greater gift of being drawn into relationship with him and experiencing his love and grace. Often we hesitate to ask God for something for ourselves or we get caught up in our own efforts and forget that he stands ready to answer our prayers. What gifts of love and grace we miss when we do not take even our smallest requests to him!

Is there something you are hesitating to ask God for right now? Is there something you’ve not asked God for because you are caught up in trying to make it happen all with your own effort? Turn to him now. Ask. Experience his love and grace.

Father God, I confess that I often forget or hesitate to take my requests to you. I try to gain what I want by my own efforts and often it is only when I am defeated that I turn to you. Help me, Father, take all my requests to you. Thank you for loving me enough to withhold what I want in order to give me the greater gift of the experience of your love and grace. In Jesus’ precious name. Amen.

Sharing our journey
Do you have an example to share of God’s presence and provision in the seemingly small stuff in your life?
Have you had an experience where God withheld something you wanted until you asked him for it? What did you learn about God?

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