Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Pour out your heart like water in the presence of the Lord. Lamentations 2:19

Our Father loves us so much that he invites us to pour our whole hearts out to him. The analogy of pouring our hearts out like water teaches us that God’s desire is for us to pour out our hearts without hesitation. If we imagine water being poured from a pitcher, we see that the movement of the water from the pitcher is fluid and free. This unencumbered flow happens unless we disrupt the flow. We could do this in many ways. We could disrupt the flow by putting ice in the water causing a cube to get stuck in the spout restricting the flow, by putting a cover over the top of the pitcher causing the water to stop flowing or by just putting the pitcher down and stopping pouring altogether.

As it is with the water in the pitcher, so it is with our hearts. God invites us to pour out all that is in our hearts to him without hesitation. This is not always easy for us. We may have hard spots in our hearts which stop us from opening our hearts completely. We may have hurt or guilt which we cover over in a futile attempt to keep him from seeing our hearts or we may just stop praying altogether to keep from sharing our hearts with him. We may feel we have to “have it all together” even in the presence of our Father. Our minds know that nothing could be further from the truth, but our hearts are fragile and we are prone to protect them. We forget our Father already knows what is in our hearts and that he loves us anyway. We forget that he is waiting for us to share our hearts so he can heal us, comfort us, share our joys, and be in authentic, intimate relationship with us. He loves us more than we can ever imagine and is always ready to receive all that is in our hearts.

What is in your heart today? Is your heart churning with turbulent white water of pain, fear, anger or confusion? Is your heart like a wide and winding river as you seek to focus on God? Are there gentle streams of every day communion with God flowing in your heart? Are you enjoying still waters of rest and restoration? Are there geysers of praise and worship erupting in your heart? Whatever is in your heart, our Father wants to hear it all. Pour out your hearts like water in the presence of the Lord. He is waiting to receive all you will share with him.

Father God, thank you for your invitation to pour out my heart to you. Help me tear down any barriers that keep me from sharing my whole heart with you and let my whole heart flow right to yours. I love you, Father, and want to be in authentic, intimate relationship now and for eternity. In the name of Jesus Christ, who died that I might have a relationship with you. Amen

Sharing our journeys
Do you feel you need to “have it all together” in the presence of those God has called you to lead?
Do you have an earthly friend, mentor, or counselor to whom you can pour out your whole heart?
Do you sometimes stop yourself from sharing the deepest parts of your heart with our Father? What emotions are the hardest for you to share with him?

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